Friday, March 25, 2011

Life as unpredictable wind

A friend say today “life doesn’t always turn out as what you planed” I couldn’t agree more. And as conflicted as I am a “Miss Planer”, you can plan so much and then you have to let your life goes.  What will be the fun of life if you have it all figured out. What is the beauty of not knowing where destiny will take you.  Yes people are born with fear and struggle to find the answer.   But some time you don’t need to figure it all out and go where the wind takes you.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dressing For Work

Hello you guys !
Sorry for my absent from the blog as I've been working with some exciting new company.
Will tell you about it more later as I have more time. But let just say it's very up to date business and one of it involved fashion.

So what do I wear to work ? Here's some answer.
All vintage : jump suit

Red poka dot top with Cheap monday lose pants

Vintage top and ACNE jeans

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fashion is not Prejudice

Latest news is John Galliano is out of Dior due to his anti-Semitic shocking VDO post recently. “I love Hitler” as he claimed on his VDO, cost him a life achievement from one of the biggest brand of all time, Christian Dior. Ever since March 2005 despite the rumor of his heavy drink Galliano had been deliver a new spice for Dior and picking up pieces for the new Dior generation. Rumor has it that Dior wasn’t so fond of his behavior and waiting for right moment to kick him out of the fashion house.

Fashion is not prejudice as so the people who work with industry? I myself do not know that fact since we all claim that we are not prejudice but the truth is designer or not, judge or jury, human will always holding some prejudice among us. From culture or the way we have been raised we have our “preferred” and “dis-like”. Some show more than others some coop with it and act as human-like.

People always takes side and try to categorize themselves but how can you when all is different and unique in its own way. That is what make human different from other animal.

Lesson learned : Sometime it’s better to keep your mouth shut.