Monday, August 29, 2011

Sat. in Slussen

Slussen and Sofo are one of my favorit place in Stockholm since there are much livet and great vibe there. Plus there are so many vintage to thrift ! And how lucky I am to hang out the past Sat. with my friend and the news reach my phone there is a lopis (2nd market) in the area. From what I heard it happen once a year and it's a long line of tables and goodies. ;)

what i wear : jacket Vivien Westwood

Inspired Decor

Street Band
Flower for the summer


Detail: sunglasses

Simple + cool haircut = Style

Long flower skirt and knot shirt

Fall color men can do : Mustard and navy

Done in one dress

My Thrift

Things to add in my closet

Fer for Falls

Banana Replublic offwhite wool jacket

High wool waist skirt

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