Monday, August 22, 2011

World End

Talked to my mother yesterday and the topic of the world ends came up. Thai people (some) believes in super stiches and the unknown power of the universe. If you asked me if I am one of them, I wouldn’t say no to be honest. Some of the things happen with no explanations. Either it is faith, destiny or power of the unknown I believe all have its curse.  She told me the world will be wiped out and it will be a small part left standing.
To be literally frank, it doesn’t matter if the world will stand for a month, a year or 10 years. I feel that the most important in my life is being happy with what I have today. I mean it will be ashamed if all the great things will end but at some point it will eventually. I am not afraid of death in fact it is the most normal thing in nature. There’s so much to explore in this world but if the world ends tomorrow, my world is filled enough with love and happiness.
So once again live as if today might be your last day. Tell the one you love how much they mean to you. Every night you go to bed, make a peace for your own self.

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