Sunday, November 7, 2010

Selective Hearing

Does it ever happen to you in the situation like you are talking to another person while you thought they listening to you but in fact they totally screening your voice off. One of my friend call that “A selective hearing” as know as human automatically selects what they want to hear.

During circumstances in life many times we wish we didn’t have to hear what just going through our ears or in another words there’s so many crazy horrible news, stupid silly dramas, nonsense gossip or back stabbing rumors, all unhealthy information that we might have encountered with. Life is so much to handle already once you are called human being and there’s no need to burden it in misery. Other important things in life are worth focusing on. Let’s select out these noises from our life and only focusing on what is healthy to our souls, shall we?

FYI: Don’t talk anything important during sports match with your BF. Unless you want to use “Baby, I told u about that already” this might be the time. If you want attention do it when your eyes are locked !

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