Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Blast (not always a good thing) !

Two explosions rocked the centre of the Stockholm. A car blew up near the busy shopping street of Drottninggatan. One person has been killed (the suicide bomber) and two others injured.”

A Shocking news have delivered earlier this evening while I finish decorating our Christmas tree. Never really thought it happened in Sweden, the most peaceful country in my opinion. When my boyfriend’s yelling out about the bomb a second there I thought “Mann! what happen in my Thailand now.” But instead it’s bombing right 1 and a half kilometer away from my home here.

I have no surprise of what happen to the world as the consequences of what happen to the people. It makes me sad thinking people have to show their beliefs through ‘death statement’ and violent. I really do feel like we are moving backward.

Is it really true what go up must come down?

S A D but TRUE

More Details on the news 1, news 2

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