Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thriftin' by Me 29.09.11

Do you think this still fits the fall? My latest thrift <3 YSL !

Look at how sheer it is but once you put it on, you can see nothing. FAB!

Print and color are just so pretty.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sneek peek Versace for H&M

Finally some sneek peek from Vougue Russia to give us some idea / budget we are expecting on  this Nov 17. Don't know about you guys but I have my eyes on those accessories, especially the ring ! In fact the pink high heel looks very fab too ;)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Aplace (Below)

Aplace is a fashion store and a magazine, established back in 2007, aiming to give the best of Scandinavian and international fashion to all stylish people. Aplace holds many upcomer and interesting unique lables such as Minimarket, Hope, Fifth Avenue, Samsoe & Samsoe ,and many more. Varieties of fashion item you can choose from. From sophisticate look to a minimalist or even some funky style, there's no better other place you can play mix and match.

There's a good news for those who love the brand at Aplace but they are slicely over your budget, Aplace Below offer huge discount for the almost old collection and many other interesting pieces both for women and men. Shoes section is my favorit and from what I see my size are in the pile.  Love love some of the pieces I snap the photo. But better for you to check it out yourself.

Aplace Below
St:Eriksgatan 79
113 36 Stockholm
+46(08)-32 51 10
Ons- Fre: 11:30 - 18:30
Lördag: 11 - 17
Söndag: Stängt

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thriftin' by Me 15.09.11

Just when I went out with no expectation of anything, funny how luck always repay me back with some goodies ;) Seriously I was jusr looking for 'a boot jack' (if anyone see one, please get it for me) and I got 2 of the great vintage thrift.

I have always like the vintage jewelry, some classic pieces or some bold pieces. But haven't got time to do some sirious research of the brands and it's era. Just lucky to end up with some of the pieces.
Today I just got lucky again with Christian Dior vintage earing. You can really tell the quality of the work. All stones are still intacted and the gold still gold. You are not gonna believe how much I paid for it. Guess?    Let just say for this amount, I can hardly buy food in Sweden.

Time to pull the old sweaters out or better get some new cool vintage one. And just right there, a vintage wool Navy jumper from the 1940's falls to my arm. Did some research and I believe it was from US navy, likely to be in paramedic unit. Original manufature from Rachman MNF co. Seem like they used to do all navy uniform in the old day. But what rank am I here, anyone ?

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Time went by so fast. When you realize it, it is already 10 years passed from 9/11 unfortunate incident. Today at Ground Zero, it will be a ceremony of their 10 years tragic and memorial for those we lost on the day. And for the past 10 years we wonder what happen to the ground zero, today they will reveal the place where all the memories bury down underneath with the 9/11 museum.  Personally I am glad we are still standing today and remember all the love one we lost despite any incident in their lives.
Just wanted to remind you that once two of the most remarkable buildings were strike “hard and severe” and after the broken hearts and the tremendous tears they found the courage and rebuild their memory again.       In life I am sure that many people have been stroked hard and neither less brutal than those tall buildings. Many hearts were crush and thorn into pieces. Some never find the strength to get back and lose their courage along the years. Some are lucky and be able to rebuild again.

Once things are broken though it hard as it may seems, they can be rebuild. Find the courage, strength and add a little hope little by little and get back to your own ground. For as long as it takes, don’t give up! New fortune will be brighter and stronger than before.

If it takes as 10 years to start rebuild strong construction of the twin tower, it is reasonable to take some time to rebuild something as fragile as your heart. But just remember that it all can be rebuilt.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Answer to my question

I guess it is in human nature to find an answer to everything. Started since the ancient time when we try to find the answer of how the world created and then we try to understand the nature.     What happen if we do not have all the answer? Would our lives be any different, I mean would it make things better? I assume it would be enlighten to have some of the answer in this mystery life of mine but to be honest I would rather not know.  What if I know tomorrow will be my last day, would I spend my day worrying of death or would I spend it to the extreme?

I think most people spend time worrying too much in life already and trying to figure out all the answers will only add wrinkle to aging. One of the top questions to many girls would be “Will this relationship last?” So what if the angel tells you that it won’t, will you skip all the joy and happiness moment and jump out?  What if some of those moments could be the best memory of yours? What will you miss?

So no, I don’t have the answer to everything and I don’t need to figure out everything. I am happy with my moment and I am willing to do best for future sake. Why would the ‘present’ called present if it is not the moment of gift. Things have their own beauty and their own way. Stop wondering and as I always say live by the moment!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Fall is here and so the colors

Summer is gone. The bright cheerful colors are packed until next year to come. Fall has arrived and it's time to pull out some of my favorit colors of the season. And check out what is around for this Fall.

My Pallet

In the store

Interesting ring from Gina Tricot