Thursday, September 22, 2011

Aplace (Below)

Aplace is a fashion store and a magazine, established back in 2007, aiming to give the best of Scandinavian and international fashion to all stylish people. Aplace holds many upcomer and interesting unique lables such as Minimarket, Hope, Fifth Avenue, Samsoe & Samsoe ,and many more. Varieties of fashion item you can choose from. From sophisticate look to a minimalist or even some funky style, there's no better other place you can play mix and match.

There's a good news for those who love the brand at Aplace but they are slicely over your budget, Aplace Below offer huge discount for the almost old collection and many other interesting pieces both for women and men. Shoes section is my favorit and from what I see my size are in the pile.  Love love some of the pieces I snap the photo. But better for you to check it out yourself.

Aplace Below
St:Eriksgatan 79
113 36 Stockholm
+46(08)-32 51 10
Ons- Fre: 11:30 - 18:30
Lördag: 11 - 17
Söndag: Stängt

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