Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Answer to my question

I guess it is in human nature to find an answer to everything. Started since the ancient time when we try to find the answer of how the world created and then we try to understand the nature.     What happen if we do not have all the answer? Would our lives be any different, I mean would it make things better? I assume it would be enlighten to have some of the answer in this mystery life of mine but to be honest I would rather not know.  What if I know tomorrow will be my last day, would I spend my day worrying of death or would I spend it to the extreme?

I think most people spend time worrying too much in life already and trying to figure out all the answers will only add wrinkle to aging. One of the top questions to many girls would be “Will this relationship last?” So what if the angel tells you that it won’t, will you skip all the joy and happiness moment and jump out?  What if some of those moments could be the best memory of yours? What will you miss?

So no, I don’t have the answer to everything and I don’t need to figure out everything. I am happy with my moment and I am willing to do best for future sake. Why would the ‘present’ called present if it is not the moment of gift. Things have their own beauty and their own way. Stop wondering and as I always say live by the moment!

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